*It is not permissible for BYU to donate to any group or agency that financially benefits high-school aged individuals, unless specific criteria are met. Please read through the applicable NCAA rules below. Athletics Equipment. A member institution may not provide athletics equipment to a high school. However, a member institution is permitted to provide athletics equipment to bona fide youth organizations (e.g., the YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scout troops, Girl Scout troops, a summer recreation league) that may consist of some prospective student-athletes, provided the issuance of equipment is in accordance with the institution's regular policy regarding the discarding of equipment.
Donations to Groups That Involve or Benefit Prospective Student-Athletes (I)
Date Published: July 28, 2015
The academic and membership affairs staff determined that an institution (or an institution's coach/staff member or representative of its athletics interests) may contribute to a nonathletically related bona fide youth organization that includes prospective student-athletes and nonprospective student-athletes (e.g., YMCA, YWCA, Boys and Girls Clubs), provided the assistance is not earmarked for a particular prospective student-athlete, is not earmarked for the purpose of contributing to a boys' basketball program and is offered in conjunction with the organization's regular fund-raising activities.Agency Release Statement