Promotional Activity Request Form

The Brigham Young University Athletics Department supports the University's motto "Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve." Because the NCAA regulates the types of activities that student-athletes and coaches may be involved in, organizations requesting appearances of student-athletes or coaches in any activity must abide by these regulations. Please note that while the BYU Athletics Department attempts to fill every promotional request, there are many instances in which the request may not be granted. In all cases, the appearance of student-athletes is subject to their coaching staff's approval.

To expedite processing of your request and ensure NCAA compliance, the BYU Athletic Department requires all organizations to submit requests online. Submitting your request online is simple and will only take a few minutes. Please allow 2-3 weeks for requests to be processed.

Please note that due to NCAA rules, student-athletes may not participate in any fundraising efforts which will benefit:

  • High Schools
  • Preparatory schools
  • Junior Colleges
  • Youth athletics organizations that include prospects OR other organizations that include only young people defined by the NCAA as prospects (young people in grades nine and up who have yet to enroll full-time in a university) or their teachers or coaches.
  • In addition, your organization will be reviewed to ensure that it is a non-profit, charitable, educational, or BYU institutional organization.

If you have questions or would like more clarification on the applicable NCAA rules, please contact the BYU Athletics Compliance Office at (801) 422-5922.

2. Will money be raised from the activity? (i.e., admission costs, auctions, etc.)
3. Does this activity involve co-sponsorship, advertisement, or promotion by a commercial agency? (e.g., Costco, Smith's, etc.)
4. Will the activity involve students who have started 9th grade?
5. Will students or coaches from other collegiate institutions be involved?
6. Is the activity open to the public?
7. Will any student-athlete miss class time due to the activity?
10. Will the student-athlete's name, picture, or personal appearance be used in any advertising or promotion of the activity?
approximate number of miles
$ /mi =
price per mile
total cost

*It is not permissible to provide student-athletes with any items that may have a tangible value. (e.g., gift cards, apparel, plaques, etc.)

According to NCAA Bylaw, BYU student-athletes can participate in charitable/nonprofit activities only under the following conditions:

  • the student-athlete does not miss class
  • all monies derived from the activity will go directly to the charitable/non-profit agency
  • the specific activity in which the student-athlete participates does not involve co-sponsorship, advertisement, or promotion by a commercial agency
  • the student-athlete may only accept actual and necessary expenses such as meals and travel from the institution or charitable/non-profit agency
  • the student-athlete signs a release statement prior to the activity (or has release statement on file with the compliance office)
  • the student-athlete's name, picture, or appearance is not utilized to promote the commercial ventures of the agency

Agency Release Statement

By typing your name in the following box, you certify that the information you have provided is correct, that you have read and agree to abide by the above NCAA regulations regarding the use of a student-athlete's name, picture, or appearance in the promotion or involvement of this activity and will not risk the eligibility of the student-athlete.