Ralph R. Zobell | Posted: 14 Oct 2014 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020

Up Close: Devin Mahina

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Take a closer look at senior tight end, as published in BYU-Utah State game program:

Nickname: Big Dev

Favorite cold cereal:  Honey Bunches of Oats

Favorite Bronco Mendenhall Quote: "So good"

Why did I choose to play football over other sports: I had more fun playing football.

Before a football game, I:  get in to "game mode," and keep to myself, study film and listen to music.

How did I spend my off-season:   Training, did a lot of speed work and started doing yoga.

Who is the best player I’ve ever faced:  Ziggy Ansah

What would I like to do sometime in my life: go pearl diving.

One place I would like to visit:  Europe

If I could play another position, what would it be:  Middle linebacker

Who has had the greatest influence on my football career and why:  My dad, he taught me to never give up.

What do I want to be doing 20 years from now:  retired and living on the beach.

How did I select my jersey number: My idol Shannon Sharpe was #84.

What is my favorite hobby or activity away from football: Hanging out with my family.

What is the best book I've ever read: The Essential Wooden by John Wooden

People say I look like: Zac Efron

My favorite professor or most interesting class I've taken at BYU: Intro to Advertising, Professor Doyle

What is my most memorable athletic achievement or moment:  Being on Mackey Award Watch List.

If I had to give up all my possessions except one, what would be the one thing I kept and why: My wedding ring, because it symbolizes the most important person in my life.

My favorite scripture: Alma 26:12

My favorite website: www.youtube.com

My advice to youngsters:   Don't compare your weaknesses to others' strengths.

If I were on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire,” the person I’d call for my lifeline is: My brother-in-law, Jeff, because he knows a lot of random facts.

If I were hosting you on a recruiting visit to Provo, the most impressive thing I'd have to show you is: Kneader's all you can eat French toast.

One rule I'd change in college football is: touchdown celebrations should be allowed.

If I could invite any three people to dinner, who would they be: the most interesting man in the world, John Wooden.

On game day my friends and relatives: text me good luck, always at all my games cheering for me.