Anonymous | Posted: 14 Oct 2005 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020

Cougars Clock-in Strong at the Blue/White Alumni Meet

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PROVO -- The BYU swimming and diving teams took to the pool again after yesterday's win against Utah and Villanova for the annual Blue/White meet with alumni to wrap up homecoming week on campus.

The current team split to create the Blue and White teams and former Cougars jumped in extra lanes and swam exhibition to see how they matched up with the team.

Women's swimming coach Stan Crump said the team showed much stronger times at the Blue/White meet than yesterday's relays.

"We got out the first-meet jitters last night," Crump said. "The girls did much better tonight."

Senior Brittany Davis swam strong for the Cougars taking the 500 free at 5:08.31.

On the men's side, junior Brett Allen led the pack earning a 19:58 in the final leg of the 200 medley relay, and taking first in the 50 free and 100 free. Junior Jorge Azevedo also made good time, taking first in the 100 back with a 50.41.

"I am pleased with the guys' times tonight," said men's swimming coach Tim Powers. "We swam well, even after competing last night."

Diving coach Keith Russell said the divers performed at their optimum, but they'll just keep getting better.

"It's early in the season still and we'll take the time we have to prepare," Russell said.

Team White had an early lead in the meet, but team Blue caught up and beat them out in the end. The teams consisted of:


Nicholas Tobler

Brett Allen

Grant Hasselbach

Johnathan Bekker

Danny Smith

David Larson

Casey Kleinman

Drew Jenks

Travis Price

Austin Brown

Ron Morris

Scott Thalman


Ben McKee

Jorge Azevedo

Chris Patience

Terry Thompson

Song Zhen Goh

David Fellingham

John Ferrell

Christian Keil

John Kendrick

Jeffrey Su

Austin Barrand

Swaraj Patel