rachelhawks | Posted: 9 May 2011 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020

Getting to Know Elle Carney

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Academic major:


Two things I need to travel:

An adventurous spirit and street smart.

Sports hero:

Andre Agassi, he’s cool, amazing and intelligent.

Non-athlete heroes:

Dr. Harry, Dr. Savanah- amazing veterinarian, amazing doctor

If I could be an animal I would be:

A tiger!! Or a cat!

Favorite place to eat:

Cafe Iola NYC or small cafes in Australia

Favorite movies:

Titanic, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and The Lion King.


Tidal waves, failing classes and having to stay here longer.

If I were queen for a day, I’d:

Free all the animals, destroy all whaling boats and make more money and give it to everyone.

Top three things I did this summer:

Ran a half marathon, swam in the ocean, loved being at home with family, boyfriend and animals.

Motto/favorite quote:

“Be the best I can be.”


Sheba (dog), J. B., Indy, Milo, Bella (cats).

Why I came to BYU:

Academics, good tennis team, safe, thought I wanted to ski.