AaronS | Posted: 27 Sep 2012 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020

Women's team splits up for two tournaments

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PROVO, Utah – After playing in its first tournament of the season, the BYU women’s tennis team will split up to travel to two different tournaments, the Cal Invitational and the Jack Taylor Classic on Sept. 28.

“Our goal is to play high percentage tennis, playing smart in points,” head coach Lauren Jones-Spencer said. “We’re not in tip-top condition because we’re just starting out, so it’s important to stay in the point longer, to work the point and not go for too big of a shot too soon. I think that’s the biggest thing we did wrong last week, we got anxious and tried to go for shots that weren’t smart.”

Junior Desiree Tran, sophomores Morgan Anderson and Meghan Sheehan-Dizon and freshman Mackenna Maddox will travel to the Cal Invitational, in Berkeley, Calif. The tournament starts Friday at 8:30 a.m. MDT. The Cougars competition will be scattered among 12 other western schools.

Last week, Tran and Sheehan-Dizon earned their way to the doubles finals at the BYU Invitational.

The two seniors on the team, Andie Young and Aubrey Paul, will participate at the Jack Taylor Classic in Boise, Idaho. The tournament starts at 8 a.m. PDT and will feature around 75 other athletes from 10 different schools.

The women will represent BYU but will compete on an individual basis.