khaner | Posted: 18 Aug 2016 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020

Second scrimmage of fall camp held Thursday

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PROVO, Utah – For the second time during fall camp, BYU football held a closed scrimmage at LaVell Edwards Stadium on Thursday morning.

Check out highlights and pictures from the morning and read below for quotes from coaches and players following practice.

Head coach Kalani Sitake | Video
Review of today
We had some good practices, the guys are getting sick of playing each other. That happens in camp. We need to still work through a couple of things. I think the offense had a really good game today compared to what they had last week. We keep getting better as a team. 

What made the difference offensively?
I think they’re starting to settle a little bit more. Our quarterbacks are taking advantage of seeing the field. Ty (Detmer)’s done a great job with them. I think the run game is starting to come together, too. The O-line is starting to work together and we have different lineups. We were able to stay a little bit more consistent today, so I think we have some good results.

More scoring today?
We had a little bit more scoring today. We also held out some guys on defense that didn’t really need much of the work. I don’t know how much Fred Warner needs to do out there. We didn’t really have Jamaal (Williams) run the ball much as far as live situations. For the most part, it was really good work. I think everyone got better. The offense had a little bit more success this week than last week, but I don’t know exactly who to say won the day. I think it was pretty even. 

Harvey Langi’s experiment at defensive end
The experiment is a success. I’ve wanted to move him to DE since I got here. The timing has worked out well for us. He’s a bigger body. For him, it made sense to eat freely and gain weight rather than fast and diet. His skill off the edge is really vital for our defense to work well. 

It’s a little slow with the place kicking. Obviously we have Jonny (Linehan). Everything is good with snaps and holds. We just need to get the right guy on the field. Out of the four, hopefully we get that figured out next week.

Receiving core
When we get Nick (Kurtz) back and some of the guys that were dinged up in camp, they’ll be good for us. But I really like the newcomers and seeing some of the guys take advantage of the reps they’re getting. Jonah Trinnaman gives us a lot of speed, Beau Tanner does some really good things as well. Aleva Hifo will do great things for us. Those new guys coming in will help us out. They’re joining a really good, experienced cast. We’ll have a lot of ability and size.

Best mixture of a coaching staff
As long as they can teach and respect the guys they work with, that’s all I look for. And have a sense of humor, obviously. I want our coaches to connect with these young men and teach them more than just football— teach them stuff about life and care about them. As long as you can do that, just be yourself. I’m OK with the teaching style that our guys have and I think it’s really effective, especially when you have a foundation of care and love.

Offensive coordinator and QB coach Ty Detmer
On how camp is going
We got a lot in and now it’s fine-tuning. We’re getting to the point where the lineman are coming off on double teams and things like that. Everybody is getting more comfortable, so it shows up come scrimmage time when we’re tighter with it.

On Riley Burt
Riley is great emotionally; he’s all in. He is one of those kids that goes out and works. He’s got a great attitude and he’s doing great. It’s just a matter of getting him some touches here and there. With Jamaal (Williams), Algie (Brown), Squally (Canada) and Riley in there, everybody’s fighting for touches.

On the OL group
I feel really good with where they’re at. Now it’s dialing in the right combinations and guys in the right spots. We’re going to try to play the five best guys no matter where they are best suited. We’re going to get those guys on the field and then let them go.

Comparison between lines during his time, lines now
I had guys who were real conscientious; a big, tough guy who played physical and that’s what we want to see here. Those same type of guys who finish blocks and are a little nasty up front but in the right way. We want guys who understand the scheme. That’s the big part. It’s a little different for them this year so we’re still getting used to some of the new things we’re asking them to do. They are coming along. They are open to everything we are throwing at them and now it’s getting them all on the same page. There is a lot of timing with an offensive line and people don’t really think that. We’re in the process of ironing out that timing.

On Parker Dawe, Tejan Koroma at center
Parker is the kind of guy that can move around a little more. Tejan has always played center, not that he can’t play guard, but he’s probably best suited there. With the flexibility Parker brings, he’s able to swing in on the inside. Right now Tejan is taking all the snaps and Parker is getting a lot with the guard position, but we know he can step in at center as well.

Senior QB Taysom Hill
The scrimmage from the offensive standpoint
I think we played really well; I was really happy with it. There are always going to be things to clean up, but I thought overall enough guys did their assignments that we can move the ball and put some points on the board.  

Are things better from last Saturday?
For sure. We are definitely getting better. Guys understand their roles and their assignments a lot better, and the execution has been a lot better.

Preference for playing under center or out of the shotgun?
I don’t really care. I am fine to do either/or. I think both create opportunities for us to do different things, so being able to do a combination of the two is really good for us. Being able to go under gives us the opportunity for true play-action stuff, which is tough to defend. And going in the shotgun allows us to do our run/pass options and various things off of that, so a combination is really good.

On the receiving core
I think it is hard to replace a guys like Mitch Mathews or Devon Blackmon or Terenn Houk. But I think this coaching staff came in and did a really good job by bringing in Jonah [Trinnaman] and Beau Tanner and a few other guys outside.  

On implementing the tight ends
Our tight ends were a pretty big part of our offense last year; we just didn’t bring them down and put them in a three-point stance. That’ll be the biggest difference, and if they do notice it, it’ll be the tight end with his hand on the ground instead of a flex tight end. 

Senior WR Nick Kurtz
On getting back to full health
Things are going well right now. Today I was able to run around and catch some balls so I’ll be right on track and I’ll be right on track and ready to go for week one. We’re going day-by-day with it and you never want to push it too hard and get a setback, so hopefully I’ll be out there soon.

On playing with both quarterbacks
It’s great. I’m close with both of them and all the quarterbacks. They’re all really good guys and they’re really competitive - there’s a lot of competition going on, but overall I think we’re in a great position to have two great quarterbacks battling for the spot.

On turnover from last year at the receiver position
I’m a senior now and I’m trying to step into that senior role and help out the younger guys as much as I possibly can because I went through the whole process and I know what it’s like. With the new guys in here, it’s probably the most speed that I’ve seen here at BYU. These guys are going to make a lot of plays, with or without me or with or without any other guy. We’re just going to step in and do what we can.

On sense of urgency for the upcoming season
The main goal for us is to win as many games as we can and then hopefully play at the next level. You have to play in order to do that. We’re looking to have a great season with a lot of new seniors and guys like Taysom, Jamaal and me – guys that shouldn’t have been here- so it’s cool to be back and have another year with the guys and we’re having a lot of fun.

On what excites him most about the offense
When you get a new offense it can take a lot of time to get things clicking but I think we’re finally getting to that point where we’re actually ready to go now in a game. If you saw today, there were a lot of big plays and we were moving the ball down the field and all the quarterbacks look great.

On playing under Coach Ben Cahoon
Cahoon is super cool. He’s been there and he’s done it. He’s strapped up the cleats and he was a legend in Canada. Whatever he says you just take it and work with it on the field because whatever worked for him should work for you. 

Junior DB Micah Hannemann
On the safeties
I feel like the experience with Kai (Nacua) is good. We play more man coverage now at safety. One is playing more man and the other is playing more run and zone. So I’m the one playing more man coverage, which is good for me because I was the one playing corner last year. Kai is playing more on the run and zone coverage.

On facing tight ends
We face the tight ends a lot. The tight end position looks good. There are more tight ends than we’ve had in the past. In the past, our tight ends would get hurt in the first week. It’s nice to have more. It’s fun covering the tight ends.

On success this year
I feel like we just need to dial in on our technique. Our coverages and our plays are pretty simple this year, so they want them to be simple so we know exactly what we’re doing. If everyone gets their technique down and trusts everyone else, then things will be good. The times we’re making mistakes is when two guys are trying to do the same job or when one guy is trying to do someone else’s job. We just need to trust each other and play.