PERSONAL: Born 02/26/81 in King City, California...parents are John and Donna Holcomb...majoring in history/ political science.
2001: 5th in the weight throw at the Snake River Open with a throw of 51'04.00 (15.65)...5th in the shot put at the Mountain State Games, tossing a distance of 47'05.00 (14.45)...threw the shot 45'02.50 (13.78) at the UTEP Springtime Invitational...3rd in hammer (56.19) at the Mark Faldmo Invitational.
Before BYU
Attended King City HS ... received All-League honors five times ... was a Junior All-American ... All-League three years in discus ... All-League in the shot put his senior year ... starting center on the football team and member of the golf team ... Boys State Representative ... Valedictorian of his senior class.
BEST MARKS: Hammer throw, 175-11; shot put, 50-00; discus, 150-00.
Placed fifth in the weight throw at the Snake River Open with a throw of 51-04 ...5 placed fifth in the shot put at the Mountain State Games, tossing a distance of 47-05 ... threw the shot 45-02.50 at the UTEP Springtime Invitational ... placed third in hammer at the Mark Faldmo Invitational.
Placed first in the weight throw at the Snake River Open ... placed second in the weight throw at the Air Force Invitational, with a throw of 58-02 ... second-place finish in the weight throw at the Mountain States Games ... finished fifth in the weight throw and 11th in the shot put at the Husker Invitational and the Air Force Open ... finished eight in the weight throw (55-10.25) and 12th in the shot put (46.1) at the MWC Indoor Championships ... placed third in the discus, fourth in the hammer throw and fifth in the shot put at he USC Dual Meet ... placed second in the hammer throw and sixth in the discus and shot put at the UTEP Springtime Invitational ... fourth-place finish in the hammer throw at the UCLA Tri-Meet ... placed third in the hammer throw at the Robison Invitational, with a throw of 184-03 ... finished second in the hammer throw and ninth in the discus at the Utah Collegiate Championships ... sixth-place finish in the hammer throw (175-11) and 13th-place finish in the discus and shot put at the MWC Outdoor Championships.