SALT LAKE -- For a second straight day the BYU women's swimming team had a great showing in their first weekend of competitive action for the season. The Cougars downed the University of New Mexico Lobos 185-56 at the Ute Natatorium on Saturday.
BYU had a complete sweep of every event-- both swimming and diving. They had a strong showing from a group of four talented freshmen: Michelle Menezes, Rachel Grant, Aleesha Miller and Sara Jayne Christiansen. Menezes placed second in the 1000 and 500 freestyle-- losing to her sophomore sister Natasha both times. Grant won the 400 IM, Miller took first in the 50 and 100 free, and Christiansen won the 100 backstroke.
"When you consider that we are in early October but were able to swim that well, I am pleased," BYU head coach Stan Crump said. "New Mexico is a much improved team and that helped us get a good look at our team today."
The BYU divers took the top two spots in both the 1-meter and 3-meter boards. Senior Angela Nelson took first place at both diving heights (272.40 1-meter, 295.90 3-meter), while sophomore Tawni Jones finished second on the 1-meter (266.85) and sophomore Ava Jackman placed second on the 3-meter board (271.40).
There were also two senior Cougar swimmers that placed first in their respective events, Angela Goodson-Price and Jamie Bloom. Goodson-Price won the 100 butterfly with a time of 58.30, and Bloom took first in the 100 breaststroke with a time of 1:06.15. Junior Leilani Roberts also helped boost the Cougars with a solid win in the 200 free with a time of 1:55.83.
New Mexico was led by sophomore Jennifer Patterson who placed second in the 200 free (1:57.92) and third in the 100 fly (58.72). Lobo sophomore Ashley Grisdale also helped her team's cause by taking second in the 400 IM with a time of 4:30.36.
The BYU women swimmers will next be in action on Friday in the Blue/White Meet at 6 p.m. in the Richards Building Pool.
Utah-UNM-BYU - 10/13/07Dual Meet Scores - Through Event 13
Byu Swimming 185.00 56.00 University Of New Mexico
Utah Men's/Women's Swimming 137.00 104.00 University Of New Mexico
Event 1 Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay
Team Relay Finals Time
1 BYU-UT A 1:48.38
Christiansen, Sara Jayne J Bloom, Jamie
Price, Angela M Roberts, Leilani M
27.87 30.09 25.93 24.49
2 UTAH-UT A 1:52.46
Gunderson, Beth SO Tidwell, Caitlin A SO
McIntyre, Kelly SR Moon, Jessica FR
28.91 31.73 27.30 24.52
3 UNM A 1:52.56
Grisdale, Ashley Rogers, Theresa
Velez Santiago, Wilmarie McLoughlin, Katrina
29.28 31.48 27.07 24.73
4 UTAH-UT B 1:53.69
Coburn, Adrienne M SO Peterson, Chelsea FR
Otsuka, Maiya FR Edge, Natalie FR
30.16 31.79 27.53 24.21
5 BYU-UT B 1:54.53
Patience, Tara S Stacey, Johanna
Smith, Carly J Crist, Sam A
29.38 31.93 27.88 25.34
6 UNM B 1:55.43
Fedors, Jaclyn LaBree, Ashley
Patterson, Jennifer Hilo, Carly
29.75 33.13 27.13 25.42
Event 2 Girls 1000 Yard Free
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Menezes, Natasha R BYU-UT 10:30.03
29.32 31.50 31.40 31.14
31.49 31.64 31.56 31.60
31.69 31.67 32.01 32.07
31.93 32.02 31.63 31.94
31.76 31.77 31.41 30.48
2 Menezes, Michelle R BYU-UT 10:34.65
29.89 31.70 31.90 31.39
31.45 31.75 32.01 31.93
31.91 31.96 32.35 32.61
31.93 32.29 31.99 32.22
31.60 31.74 31.58 30.45
3 McHenry, Celleigh E BYU-UT 10:43.51
31.02 33.15 32.52 32.37
32.50 32.30 32.74 32.54
32.68 32.23 32.07 32.23
32.71 32.32 31.57 31.92
32.04 31.97 32.28 30.35
4 Burgess, Jennifer UNM 10:50.92
29.64 32.11 32.48 32.40
32.26 32.35 32.74 33.03
32.61 32.69 32.84 32.97
32.94 32.90 33.10 33.04
32.85 33.11 32.97 31.89
5 O'Hara, Bridget UNM 11:02.22
30.52 32.80 33.12 33.09
33.14 33.09 33.00 33.13
33.07 33.17 32.91 33.25
33.55 33.43 33.45 33.78
33.97 33.78 33.34 32.63
6 Ellsworth, Kim BYU-UT x11:04.01
31.14 33.95 33.64 33.83
33.86 33.29 33.55 33.20
33.55 33.85 33.49 33.82
33.54 33.17 33.35 33.32
32.05 32.49 32.78 32.14
7 Helmers, Melissa SR UTAH-UT 11:04.98
30.30 32.64 33.10 33.27
33.16 33.22 33.42 33.36
33.44 33.38 33.65 33.29
33.77 33.42 33.76 33.68
33.65 33.74 33.83 32.90
8 Adnan, Amina UNM 11:09.58
30.95 32.98 33.70 33.91
33.84 34.13 33.83 33.60
33.87 33.77 33.03 33.45
33.48 33.20 33.38 33.63
33.72 33.81 33.95 33.35
9 Raby, Megan FR UTAH-UT 11:33.70
30.84 33.76 34.82 35.26
34.66 35.23 34.64 34.79
34.76 35.09 34.64 35.29
33.99 35.49 36.10 35.90
35.60 35.24 34.28 33.32
10 Judd, Emily FR UTAH-UT 11:50.49
31.81 34.96 35.22 35.48
35.65 35.47 35.62 35.74
36.00 36.17 36.18 36.22
36.19 36.33 36.09 36.01
35.36 36.36 35.48 34.15
Event 3 Girls 200 Yard Free
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Roberts, Leilani M BYU-UT 1:55.83
27.91 29.53 28.90 29.49
2 Patterson, Jennifer UNM 1:57.92
28.50 30.72 29.56 29.14
3 Moon, Jessica FR UTAH-UT 1:57.94
28.51 29.89 29.99 29.55
4 Smith, Carly J BYU-UT 1:59.31
29.15 30.68 29.81 29.67
5 Willsey, Jana FR UTAH-UT 1:59.61
28.84 30.32 30.35 30.10
6 Whittenberg, Nantette UNM 1:59.71
28.35 30.57 30.77 30.02
7 Rogers, Theresa UNM 2:00.83
28.27 30.82 31.02 30.72
8 Evans, Kristina FR UTAH-UT 2:01.43
28.47 30.87 31.20 30.89
9 Reopelle, Chelsea FR UTAH-UT x2:04.58
28.51 31.31 32.04 32.72
10 Fedors, Jaclyn UNM x2:05.59
29.04 32.10 32.58 31.87
Event 4 Girls 50 Yard Free
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Miller, Aleesha R BYU-UT 23.65
2 Ferrell, Kirsty A BYU-UT 25.01
3 Clarridge, Tori UNM 25.27
4 Fredsall, Jennifer A FR UTAH-UT 25.30
5 VanLeeuwen, Annie SO UTAH-UT 25.33
6 Crist, Sam A BYU-UT 25.71
7 Bellinger, Sally UNM 25.72
8 Neary, Melissa UNM 26.10
9 Velez Santiago, Wilmarie UNM x26.31
10 Yocom, Audra BYU-UT x26.54
11 Fredsall, Stephanie FR UTAH-UT 28.18
Event 5 Girls 400 Yard IM
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Grant, Rachel BYU-UT 4:30.36
29.74 32.67 34.38 34.35
37.99 38.91 31.50 30.82
2 Grisdale, Ashley UNM 4:36.32
28.61 32.64 35.50 35.13
39.84 40.60 32.97 31.03
3 Otsuka, Maiya FR UTAH-UT 4:37.95
29.84 33.76 35.26 34.82
40.12 39.49 33.12 31.54
4 Patience, Tara S BYU-UT 4:38.24
30.41 34.00 35.54 34.51
39.28 40.06 33.96 30.48
5 Gunderson, Beth SO UTAH-UT 4:41.40
30.22 35.97 35.92 35.64
41.17 41.17 31.51 29.80
6 Chan, U-Nice BYU-UT 4:41.47
30.30 33.04 37.38 36.72
41.09 41.58 30.54 30.82
7 Zarins, Andrea UNM 4:42.29
30.48 35.35 37.14 36.11
39.71 40.04 32.33 31.13
8 Hilo, Carly UNM 4:43.15
31.27 35.82 37.73 37.04
38.26 38.90 32.34 31.79
9 McIntyre, Kelly SR UTAH-UT 4:45.18
30.00 32.67 38.16 36.20
41.26 41.22 33.28 32.39
10 Roberts, Karly SO UTAH-UT x4:45.31
31.26 35.37 35.90 34.92
41.94 42.21 32.75 30.96
11 Livengood, Elise M BYU-UT x4:46.38
29.85 33.52 37.17 36.94
41.12 42.45 33.13 32.20
12 LaBree, Ashley UNM x4:49.90
32.10 35.74 36.28 35.60
41.66 42.39 33.38 32.75
Event 6 Girls 1 mtr Diving
Name Yr Team Finals Score
1 Nelson, Angela N BYU-UT 272.40
2 Jones, Tawni M BYU-UT 266.85
3 Yu, Kwan Ling FR UTAH-UT 253.25
4 Jackman, Ava BYU-UT 243.10
5 Quinn, Carrie UNM 228.10
6 Braszkiewicz, Anna FR UTAH-UT 222.50
7 Woods, Emily G BYU-UT x220.75
8 Chang, Kim H BYU-UT x207.05
9 Bowen, Tricia BYU-UT x199.15
10 King, Chelsea FR UTAH-UT 187.40
11 Schenk, Jessica FR UTAH-UT x187.25
Event 7 Girls 100 Yard Fly
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Price, Angela M BYU-UT 58.30
27.86 30.44
2 Fredsall, Jennifer A FR UTAH-UT 58.69
27.93 30.76
3 Patterson, Jennifer UNM 58.72
27.60 31.12
4 McQueen, Shannon C FR UTAH-UT 59.02
27.91 31.11
5 Whittenberg, Nantette UNM 59.09
27.88 31.21
6 McIntyre, Kelly SR UTAH-UT 59.15
27.91 31.24
7 McLoughlin, Katrina UNM 59.39
27.74 31.65
8 Velez Santiago, Wilmarie UNM x59.94
29.00 30.94
9 Ferrell, Kirsty A BYU-UT 1:00.05
28.29 31.76
10 Willsey, Jana FR UTAH-UT x1:00.87
28.70 32.17
11 Livengood, Elise M BYU-UT 1:01.17
28.75 32.42
Event 8 Girls 100 Yard Free
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Miller, Aleesha R BYU-UT 51.83
24.65 27.18
2 Roberts, Leilani M BYU-UT 53.57
25.85 27.72
3 Edge, Natalie FR UTAH-UT 53.89
25.87 28.02
4 VanLeeuwen, Annie SO UTAH-UT 54.40
25.85 28.55
5 Clarridge, Tori UNM 54.44
26.41 28.03
6 Bellinger, Sally UNM 55.23
26.98 28.25
7 Evans, Kristina FR UTAH-UT 55.52
27.13 28.39
8 Zarins, Andrea UNM 56.35
27.12 29.23
9 Reopelle, Chelsea FR UTAH-UT x56.69
27.07 29.62
10 Crist, Sam A BYU-UT 56.79
27.61 29.18
11 Neary, Melissa UNM x57.44
27.56 29.88
12 Yocom, Audra BYU-UT x57.64
27.68 29.96
Event 9 Girls 100 Yard Back
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Christiansen, Sara Jayne J BYU-UT 59.33
29.00 30.33
2 Grant, Rachel BYU-UT 59.39
29.07 30.32
3 McQueen, Shannon C FR UTAH-UT 59.72
29.21 30.51
4 McHenry, Celleigh E BYU-UT 1:00.95
29.77 31.18
5 Grisdale, Ashley UNM 1:01.69
30.36 31.33
6 Fedors, Jaclyn UNM 1:02.23
30.27 31.96
7 Otsuka, Maiya FR UTAH-UT 1:02.75
30.60 32.15
8 LaBree, Ashley UNM 1:03.21
31.31 31.90
9 Moyes, Karen M BYU-UT x1:04.13
31.33 32.80
10 Roberts, Karly SO UTAH-UT 1:04.63
31.97 32.66
Event 10 Girls 500 Yard Free
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Menezes, Natasha R BYU-UT 5:04.47
28.11 29.74 30.49 30.92
31.07 30.93 30.92 31.30
31.31 29.68
2 Menezes, Michelle R BYU-UT 5:08.80
29.03 30.69 30.78 31.64
31.95 31.58 30.98 31.29
30.84 30.02
3 Chan, U-Nice BYU-UT 5:16.26
30.48 32.22 32.56 31.75
1:02.71 31.54 31.70 31.93
4 Coburn, Adrienne M SO UTAH-UT 5:16.37
28.75 31.71 32.15 32.08
32.05 31.64 31.57 32.03
32.26 32.13
5 Gunderson, Beth SO UTAH-UT 5:17.94
29.93 32.23 32.56 32.61
32.23 31.86 31.86 31.69
31.71 31.26
6 Burgess, Jennifer UNM 5:18.51
28.92 31.85 32.24 32.39
32.35 32.47 32.31 32.64
32.32 31.02
7 O'Hara, Bridget UNM 5:21.97
29.73 31.92 31.76 31.96
32.14 32.83 33.09 33.03
32.98 32.53
8 Helmers, Melissa SR UTAH-UT 5:25.01
29.68 31.80 32.54 33.11
32.71 33.10 33.31 33.32
33.19 32.25
9 Adnan, Amina UNM 5:25.11
29.38 31.86 32.85 32.94
33.18 33.00 32.88 33.22
33.28 32.52
10 Ellsworth, Kim BYU-UT x5:30.27
29.79 32.56 32.72 33.31
33.52 33.72 33.72 33.80
33.90 33.23
11 Raby, Megan FR UTAH-UT x5:32.48
29.78 32.80 33.08 33.60
33.99 34.42 34.49 35.06
34.06 31.20
Event 11 Girls 3 mtr Diving
Name Yr Team Finals Score
1 Nelson, Angela N BYU-UT 295.90
2 Jackman, Ava BYU-UT 271.40
3 Quinn, Carrie UNM 255.15
4 Braszkiewicz, Anna FR UTAH-UT 251.70
5 Yu, Kwan Ling FR UTAH-UT 247.25
6 Jones, Tawni M BYU-UT 242.70
7 Chang, Kim H BYU-UT x229.75
8 Woods, Emily G BYU-UT x227.20
9 Schenk, Jessica FR UTAH-UT 190.90
10 King, Chelsea FR UTAH-UT x182.90
--- Bowen, Tricia BYU-UT DQ
Event 12 Girls 100 Yard Breast
Name Yr Team Finals Time
1 Bloom, Jamie BYU-UT 1:06.15
31.97 34.18
2 Stacey, Johanna BYU-UT 1:07.76
32.17 35.59
3 Christiansen, Sara Jayne J BYU-UT 1:07.86
31.95 35.91
4 Tidwell, Caitlin A SO UTAH-UT 1:08.23
32.40 35.83
5 Rogers, Theresa UNM 1:08.34
32.14 36.20
6 Hilo, Carly UNM 1:08.90
32.85 36.05
7 Marriott, Julia M BYU-UT x1:11.16
33.61 37.55
8 Peterson, Chelsea FR UTAH-UT 1:11.23
33.69 37.54
9 Whittenberg, Nantette UNM 1:11.27
33.86 37.41
10 Zarins, Andrea UNM x1:11.42
33.94 37.48
(Event 12 Girls 100 Yard Breast)
11 Moon, Jessica FR UTAH-UT 1:12.07
33.97 38.10
12 Fredsall, Stephanie FR UTAH-UT x1:15.39
35.33 40.06
Event 13 Girls 200 Yard Free Relay
Team Relay Finals Time
1 BYU-UT A 1:37.04
Miller, Aleesha R Menezes, Natasha R
Menezes, Michelle R Ferrell, Kirsty A
24.13 24.26 24.38 24.27
2 UTAH-UT A 1:38.65
Edge, Natalie FR McQueen, Shannon C FR
VanLeeuwen, Annie SO Fredsall, Jennifer A FR
24.73 24.65 24.63 24.64
3 UNM A 1:40.40
McLoughlin, Katrina Bellinger, Sally
Neary, Melissa Clarridge, Tori
25.56 25.15 25.02 24.67
4 UTAH-UT B 1:42.91
Coburn, Adrienne M SO Reopelle, Chelsea FR
Judd, Emily FR Raby, Megan FR
25.26 25.74 26.51 25.40
5 BYU-UT B 1:45.57
Moyes, Karen M Marriott, Julia M
Yocom, Audra McHenry, Celleigh E
26.32 27.40 26.26 25.59
6 UNM B 1:45.91
Burgess, Jennifer O'Hara, Bridget
Velez Santiago, Wilmarie Adnan, Amina
26.97 26.19 27.17 25.58
PROVO -- For the first competition of the year the Cougar men's and women's swim teams travel to Salt Lake City to participate in the Don Reddish Relays on Friday at 6 p.m. at the Ute Natatorium. The women will then follow up on Saturday with a dual meet against New Mexico at 12 p.m. That meet will also be held in Salt Lake.
"This event will give us a chance to find out how our team is coming along in training," BYU men's head coach Tim Powers said. "That is especially true for our new guys. Many of them are getting a taste of competition at a level they have never seen before."
The Reddish Relays consist of 12 relays, many of which are non-traditional like the 4x100 IM. The five regular dual-meet relays will also be tested as both teams will see their first action away from their own team. This is an un-scored meet that only BYU and Utah will take part in.
On Saturday the pre-season MWC favorite BYU women team will have its first dual meet of the season versus the University of New Mexico.
"We need to take this dual meet seriously because they are definitely better than last year and since this is so early in our season we don't know exactly what to expect from our own team," BYU women's head coach Stan Crump. "This weekend will be a great opportunity for our us to get out of the training pool and into the competition pool."
The Cougar women are coming off a Mountain West Conference Championship season and will be lead by co-captains Angela Goodson-Price and Angela Nelson. The BYU men have been picked to finish second this year in the pre-season polls.
The Utah women are coming off an impressive 2006-07 dual-meet record of 10-0 and they finished second to BYU in the MWC Championship, while the Ute men finished fourth at end of the year conference tournament. The Lobo women finished in seventh place last season at the MWC Championship.
The Cougar men and women will both see their next action on Oct. 19th at the Richards Building Pool as they compete in the Blue/White Meet at 6 p.m.