Kristen Kerr | Posted: 7 Feb 2018 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020

Now Batting: Morgan Bevell and Martha Epenesa

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Each Wednesday until the season opener on Feb. 8, two of the six new freshmen on this year's softball roster will be featured on the website. Check back every Wednesday to meet the newcomers.

No. 11 Morgan Bevell

Freshman catcher from Issaquah, Washington

Why did you come to BYU?
The standards here perfectly coincide with mine academically, athletically and spiritually.

What is your favorite softball memory?
When I was in 10U, a foul tip broke my index finger and I played the rest of the tournament (2.5 games) with it broken. The moms on the team were furious with my dad for keeping me out there, but we won the tournament and everything turned out just fine.

Who do you look up to and why?
My dad because although he’s very successful at what he does, he is still one of the most humble people I know. He also keeps a great balance between work and family by providing me with every tool needed to have me succeed as well.

What is one thing few people know about you? Unusual talents?
I write poetry and can juggle!!

What is your dream job?
Pediatric doctor specializing in down syndrome.

No. 55 Martha Epenesa

Freshman third baseman from Moreno Valley, California

Why did you come to BYU?
My mom went here and I felt like it would be a great experience and to have many different opportunities on and off the field. It’s not in California and it’s also not too far.

When and why did you start playing softball?
My mom put me in a bunch of sports when I was younger and softball was one of them. I just thrived in it and made lifelong friendships. Competing in this sport is fun when you’re doing it with your teammates.

What is your favorite softball memory?
I forgot how old I was but someone turned hard on an inside pitch right down the line and it had some heat on it. There were two outs in the last inning with the bases loaded. I back-handed it and tagged my base and everybody went wild.

Do you have any pregame rituals?
I pray and text my family before a game.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
Samoa to visit my family.

What is your favorite movie? Or a few of them?
"Fifty First Dates," "Moana" and "Nacho Libre."